Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thanks 2008...
Now i am in turmoil state whether to party tonight or not, coz to be candid this year was not good for me, means i tried many things both in my career and my personal life but no success at all in any one of them.
if i turn back in my life and see there was nothing memorable, that i can carry forward to next 2009. Its empty, like a glass with a leak and what ever i pour in has drained out as on then itself.
Through out this year, i was doing only 2 things, go to office come back late nights and sit back before books and try my best to creep into one of the B-schools. only these two, Nothing else.
ofcourse, on the last day, i am right there where i have started.
hey, there is one thing which i would like to talk about,when i am writing this blog, I am very different from what i was on 31st dec 07. sheer difference, i can experience that difference in me. The difference is in confident levels, i am now so confident than ever before.
Before this i used to afraid of life, some silly thoughts (dont ask me about these, i dont want to divulge them), always planning for future and getting frustrated if they didnt turn out. I used to be very timid, both in office and personal life too.
But now, I am taking every thing in a lighter manner, I couldn't make it to premier B-schools for which i was getting ready for through out the year. I didnt feel sad for it. Rather, I became so stronger and harder. I am confident enough to challenge life. I believe, I can lead a better and succesful life in future.
I have stopped planning for my future and moved into actions.
I have reached my old friends and relative who had almost forgotten me. Really, It brings a new energy if you meet the people who are close to you.
I dont know when and at what time, i got this much confident but this happened in 2008. I might not tasted any success in this year, but it had changed me from the bottom.
Thanks 2008...now i got to go n ready for the party.
My Parttime making through advertising....
Couldnt find my phone so easily, it was hiding under a pillow, like it was too realxing silently. As I unlock my mobile, have seen 9 unread messages. I was happy(coz, these days you hardly get any messages from known ones, unless they have special offers) about the number 9 and started checking them in hope of any of my friend kept me an important info.
But to my sad, all of them are from onle one sender,i.e, "Mginger" . its a kind of media where business advertisements are carried out through SMSs on mobile phones.
As it is new year fest season, every message was about various parties, visiting celebrities at pubs, restaurants, asking for my enrollement in these celebrations if inclined. Its really useful for guys like me, scratching my head where to blast my new year celebrations. Instead of unfolding every newspaper, these messages directly throws a chance in my court to check those options.
Isn't it a great way, innovating idea (business colloquial usually i husk with my MBA aspire friends) of advertising different brands, occassions etc..in cheaper and direct to the subcribers.This is new stride in marketing front, it brings needed products information to our door step(i mean in mobile). if you are interested just subcribe with these sites , give your preferences of advertisements and you will start receiving them.
some may be feel this as quite an nettling one, but if i say, you will get paid for each message you receive. Yes, its true,It may be in a small pennies for each message, but just think, if you get 5 messages in a day, every day 5 messages for 5 days, every day 5 messages for 5 weeks...hmm gonna be a considerable amount. And dont worry about crediting the money, it will be paid to the account we registered with respective sites.
Here, marketing stratergy is to encourage subcriptions of common man at free of cost, this will increase the advertising foot holds to larger communities. later on start advertising.
It is benefit to all the 3 parties involved in advertising a brand, one is the product or brand directly, second is the media (just like Mginger and networking sites), thrid one is we, the persons reading the advertisements. Ofcourse, we are new in this casting.
if we seriously ponder on for these kind of advertisings, we will come across many in our day to day work. Take examples of google ads, Google Adwords on our personal sites. There are some exclusive sites, where in we will be paid based of number of clicks on the sites, number of times logins ...lot of other means.
I believe these sorts ads will be worth for the time we are going to spend on it. check out these if possible.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Kya Bhagvan ...paise waloon ka hi hai kya
This doubt arised in my mind in my recent visit to a piligrimage called srisailam. This holy place is located on one of the hill top of Nallamal forest. Here, lord shiva showers his blessing as lord Bhramaramba Mallikarjuna swamy.As its famous for its miracles and every one believes in visiting this place, the endowment ministry has commercialized every possible means for piligrims in getting gods blessings. I dont want to debate on commercialization of temple surrounding(0ut side of temple gate).
I want to emphasize the ticketing system for special darshans. there are different range of tickets, provides the luxery of an appointment with god.
Take an example, we were standing in queue in the blistering cold for about 2 hours (of course in free darshan) and where as a guy who bought a ticket of 100/- was allowed before us in temple. He has finished darshanin 10 mins.
why this kind of discrepancy is been followed inside temple. There were also some placards hanging to temple walls stating "wash out all your sins by donating as much as you can","By contributing in Annadan, you will be blessed equally of kashi etc other piligrimages".
Another worst thing is, at the time of pooja and harathi (procedure of worshipping god and chanting words) if dakshina (giving money to poojari) is not given then some pandits wont bless or do the chanting whole heartedly. I am not saying it happens in every temple but Some times, we can experience these situations, so people who never wants to take any chances will donate and give dakshina to poojari. And other side, poojari starts expecting, this intern sprawls like a contagious disease.
if this question is put up to Endowment department, they says, the money earned from this will be shelved for temple's development and maintanace. I say, for this they have already auctioned every possible land or surroundings for other temple based businesses. if that money is maintained properly why pandits expects dakshina from devotees and other activities.
why other systems to earn money in temples?
I am asking,Do we have to spend money, to be blessed by God?is this mentioned in any of our vedas and puranas?
Thursday, December 25, 2008
It’s hard to digest….
Today, we had a get together with our college mates..as usual we had relished on our engineering days and mocked on our present situation (ofcourse every one is an IT employee..& u know the situation), where we can’t even eke out a little time to enquire about my relatives and friends well being. Of late, our conversation revolved around current market ,as most of us had plans to shift to new companies but now we can't even think of it. And instead moving out, we discussed how awkward it had been to save our present one.
As it continues one of my friend turned to me and put up a question about my company. Question was about the plausibility of rumors that my company is driven by fraudulent management board as it is highlighted in news media. Before i could answer to his question, many of my friends shoot me with questions as if i was film star turned politician and they were the media persons.
Every question, that passed through my ear drum had raged anger in me coz they were not trying to know the information, it was something like they were accusing my company and its founder (who take out his sweat for 20 years to build a company of this brand) that they have trying to exploit many inverstors money. As far as my knowledge goes, the information gathered by my friends from media is not of worth, and it is misleading the complete situation.
So, this had resulted a negative impact on company's brand name, share marked and mostly on its corporate governance. And this situation was exaggerated by news media and they showed their every possible guess as realty to the outer world. Every one who doesn't go into the verification of the news published had blindly tried to shake off company's establishments.
Right now, SEBi is studying the case of corporate Governanace in our company and ethnic values that went into the take over deal that was proposed. And there was another instance of world bank, which add up to present wound and no one sure of what is actually going on between the 2 parties(world bank and My comp). Every thing was webbed by news media(stating CEo as a crook to potray him as a character less and avarice one), not ensuring about its credibitliy that the news possess.
How could i bare all these about my comapany, which had instilled confident in me by adopting and serving bread and butter of my daily life. But i defended and was in a diplomatic way.
Yes, I am in line that this could have been a mistake of making a wrong estimation of the assets of the companies and proceeded with out investors knowledge, but that wrong decision should not try to filth a person's character.
and that too with out knowledge of the truth. I believe that there should be a watch on the news channels content publision and their credibility. As it is the only source of a common man to assess what is good and what is wrong.Or else this will kill the reputation of any one in few days, who gained it through out his lifetime efforts.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Creativity is the only thing that flows unlimited in this world
Creativity is the only thing that flows unlimited in this world… this is a statement which I read on a wallpaper held by street hawker. There was an apt scene painted on it, a marvelous quote. Going through those words….I thought really it is great thing…that every one holds this gold mine in them but no one unearths and relishes on it. I still believe that there are certain ways (which may be learnt through MBA or by some other qualified educations) which moulds individuals to reinvent their new levels of creativity.
But today when I have been to office (I work for a reputed IT industry), seen an unlimited flow of creative idea of our GMT (Global Marketing team).This team plays a vital part in promoting our company as a brand of new transformation. For the past 2 months, they are quite enthusiastic in promoting one of the prestigious project we bagged from our competitors and our GMT left no pebble unfold, from our working environment to our desktop wallpapers every thing… made their platform to show it off.
Now, their creativity moved to our washrooms… today as usual went to washroom to drain out my stomach…while I was peeing…saw a sticker before me “we are here for a common GOAL” (GOAL was highlighted with bold letters), turned my head seen another one “Don’t just get Ideas think for winning IDEAS” the next moment I burst in to laughing and was laughing until I was loose my breath.
Really an awe creativity of our GMT…creativity to entertain employees…every one who goes to washroom with some or other pressure (no double meaning….i mean work pressure)….comes out with at least a chirpy smile on their face.
This complete episode, reminds me a hilarious washroom scene of a tollywood movie “Dikkulu chudakunda vacchi na pani chudara (Don’t waste time by seeing the walls of the …just finish your work and move off) ” really an awesome one..
We have started mocking every one who goes to washroom “look, he is going to washroom with a Goal and there he is coming out with a damn good winning idea sir ji..etc..all sorts of jokes are cracked.
Actually speaking there was nothing wrong with the statements, they are part of promotion campaign. But the location chosen by GMT had changed their entire meaning.
A small thing which I still not able to make out is, the whole herd of GMT (they are recruited from premier B-schools and are filling their wallets with a fascinating amount every month) to take this company through the stiff competing world, didn’t realize this.
Promoting the company achievement in washroom, doesn’t it degrade their mission. I will definitely shoot this question to at least one of those stupids…who feels proud of this.
I am really against this action of branding in bathrooms…but no one dares to fiddle with these B-school mites.
What I could do is, Oh my god “save my company from their unlimited creative and innovate ideas” amen.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
How good you can help others being a Mr.India(the invisible)

Location is
I found myself their, leaning over a bed. I am clad in a ¾ short and holding a guitar in my hand close to my 6 pack body and Black Rayban glasses on my face.
Scenery is like a Hollywood superstar is enjoying the view of lovely sunset in
I am glad they are dancing to my tunes and they sighed me to join them. I kept guitar aside and shook my body like Ranbir kapoor (Bachna e haseeno) with them…….ohlala is this called heaven? May be or may not be but I am loving it.
Suddenly I felt a strong pain in my butts..ohhh it was hard like some one hit me from the back …dum…one more. I closed my eyes to bear the pain and opened ……….
I said loudly to my mate, common man it is Sunday let me take one more nap. And said to my self… want that lovely dream for some more time but vaguely I could here my mate asking me why am I doing Kung fu, karate on bed??.
Kung fu!! karate!! Grinning to myself, I was in Hawai beach dancing with lovely ladies. This moron broke my dream and telling me that I am doing Kung fu.
I said him about my dream and how he broke it, he busted into laughter and continued to smile for some more time. By that time I am completely woke up but still lying in my bed.
My instant answer was, I will kick you on you butt for breaking my dream. But this was in my mind, don’t want him to here it, coz he is much stronger than me and want no pain in my Butt. 2
I reposed him, “why the hell you are asking this stupid question early in the morning?”
He said, “Causally”, and insisted me to answer to his question.
So being mischief I said, snooping around girls hostels (we have lot many around us) and peeping through bed room doors. There was a chuckle from him. And Upgraded his question,” You should use those powers only for Good deeds and help others with out doing any harm to any one?”
Wow.. what kind of blessing is this? K “no problem, I just peep through the doors”, was my answer.
“Joke apart….be serious”, he said.
So I seriously pondered how will make use of my gift to help others. I have given many different points but my friend rejected…as they breach the condition given for blessing. They are like….
I will rob a bank and distribute that money to poor people…..he rejected saying robbing a bank will heart many others.
I will loot the black money from politicians and others and distribute that ……rejected with same reason as it will heart the owner.
I said I will black mail the politicians who are not loyal to their position of their wrong doing with proofs and I will compel them to do good to people …….again annulled as I may get caught and will harm others.
I was mooting many options in my mind but nothing was working. I said, “I am lost”.
Then he asked one more question,“Can you (being raj) help any one with our harming others?”
I looked for option there were many, I can educate any one for free, I can help my friend in difficulties with money or personally being with him….astonished as many of them will work.
Here my friend began giving Gyan to me…
He said, “in this world you can’t do good to a person wit out doing harm to others even with great powers. But being a human we can help the people around us in a little way.He said never step back from helping, how small it may be. who knows that may bring a big change in their life.”
I said,” Hmmm……This may be true, but why are you preaching me this.” And reply was “FYI(for your information)’. I thought, “FYI(Frig you instead)”.
This has happened to day morning; I don’t know how many may like this gyan and follow it. But I am trying.
Right now, can any one give me better idea, being a Mr. India how can we help others using those powers?
Sunday, August 3, 2008
There is no definition for friendship....
For all you pals happy friendship day……
I really don’t know why any one celebrates friendship day. But on this day I get another special reason to freak out with my mates.
As this is friendship week, for the past fortnight there was a tsunami of mails exuding friendship feelings but I believe none of them could define friendship promptly.They only apt to the word.
One among them and my favourite is
Friend ---Few Relations In Earth Never Dies
To day I sat down before system to scribe all the happy and sombrous memoirs, I had with my friends and to boast of them on this friendship day. Albeit thoughts streams by mind I am perplexed what to inscribe, every happy moment I had with them was on silly conversations and biting time on no value things…and kya kya batawoo main. So I retreat on my word to scribe all the those incidents in chronicle.
I don’t know about others how lucky they are about friends but I am fortunate enough to have some one to give a shoulder at my difficulties and hop on to my success tunes. I owe god for his benevolence, to share my beautiful moments of life with these morons.I love you all jackasses……
I ask you every one who ever reading this, to freak out with friends and they will find real life.
Ok enough of gyan on friendship, bye for now and hope god blesses you with more friends in life.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Frantic experience with the Spartans..the movie
yesterday i was insomniac even when clock was ticking 11:30 pm. So thought of watching any comic movie to have peace sleep later on.i was almost updated with every movie in my com. So asked my roommate any new movie to watch and reply came of a parody movie on 300.
hmm.... i thought a mockery on 300 and watching sexy camerin electra(leading lady in movie)is worth watching at that time.
as half an hour past watching those filthy scenes, i paused for a moment to take a deep breath. why deep breath? b'coz i was in sheer perplexed, in which angle it reffered a comic movie.
every scene was so lewd, that some times it breached the limits of obscenity(ofcourse it is my opine).it could have been a better one if directors refrain showing the bumps on ass and peeing on others faces,animal's gut in leonaidas mouth ohhh goshh... really awfull.
This movie is maverick on not only 300 but aslo many of american TV shows,as far as my knowledge goes one is American Idol,faminine show and it pukes on pop stars(britney spears) too.and to talk about electra she was lurking in her own way.
Wonder!! it made a muse gross at the box office, collecting millions of dollars all over the world. any ways personally i suggest no one to go for it. it could have been a better one.
Really the worst experience, its memoir is on the top of my hitlist which i dont want to reminisce in future.
Be ward off it my friends......
signing off ......raj
Monday, June 16, 2008
He is averse to stay in india. Through out our conversation we could here the same sentense in US you dont find it like this, like that ... people are so cool....bla bla bla...ohhh god i really got fed up with fawning of their culture and he seemed to me a clague of US who came to india to boast other's success. our gossip turned into discussion and later became bone of contention on wide variety of issues..ofcourse other one made a consensus between us.
singing the paeans of other country's success is ok but on that part belittling one's mother land should never be accepted and i did the same. Refrained him with acknowledging of information which he lack about our country and he mistake of comapring a developing country with a well developed one.
I agree that there are lot of flaws in our governance and lot more lie before our foot to step over.
but it certainly takes some time to realise it.
No country is perfect,it has to be made perfect. i believe in this promulgation very much and doing and will do something for my country.
He is fleeing back to US in next fortnight.I wish him the dream life he is scouting for. but one thing they wont get there and we have with us, will be ours is freedom. No one can clinche it from us.
signing off.
Friday, June 13, 2008
GaS world is on its brim....
govt had given up saying they can't bear the summing petro deficit over there shoulders and shoved it on middle class person. as a result livelyhood commodities prices are also hovering at peak.
now is any one ready to abandon these petro and gas usage and luxery, comfort they offer in the present world,... I bet no one comes forward, not even me to be candid. because these became as a basic ingredients of life but we should reminise that they are exhaustable resources. If we drive our lives at same pace on them we will left with nothing....world will be chaos for these sources.
coming from middle class when i imagined how my life is going to be in near future then came up with some ways to lay a better path before me.
first thing I am not going to use my new bike for small distance where i can reach on my foot. bycicle is another mode to follow this(thank god i didnt sold my bycicle). And Mostly will apt for a public commuting based on my suitability.
These are few things which i can afford but what about others. they need not to be on par with me, right?.do every one has to walk or bycicle daily to there office and businesses? no, it is impractical to even imagine.
At this verge of life technology is the only resort to save our self.. govt and private companies should promote R&D on natural resources like sun,wind and water. On few terrains of this world already started depending on these new techy resources and also improvising hybrid feuls as a supplant for petro and deisel.
one more strong source is neuclear energy....each and every country should take steps towards these milestones of coming new era. these are realised and work is gong but will have to wait for some more time experience these resources at cheaper price.
Now the transformation has begun it will take time to flip to other side of coin.... till then saving my part of energy to world..signing off.